people places and passions - a point in time

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the mountain retreat sold

ten minutes to curtains up

the mountain retreat sold

ten minutes to curtains up

the city below sold

Just After midnight

the city below sold

Just After midnight

waiting at the harbour

the attraction

the pier at 11.00


waiting at the harbour

the attraction

the pier at 11.00


the long distance call

edge of the ocean

the long distance call

edge of the ocean

the twenty sixth floor


the twenty sixth floor


waiting for the greyhound

five a.m.

waiting for the greyhound

five a.m.

heading for milano

return with the swallows

heading for milano

return with the swallows

staying the weekend


staying the weekend


another journey

roman steps and ravens

another journey

roman steps and ravens

the race card sold

to the future sold

the race card sold

to the future sold

into the night

what will saturday bring

into the night

what will saturday bring

in confidence

lone traveller-the edge of the bay - sold

in confidence

lone traveller - the edge of the bay sold

friday night at the jazz club sold

the summer cup sold

morning at the palazzo

the decision

footsteps on the marble floor

the mountain crossing

friday night at the jazz club sold

the summer cup sold

morning at the palazzo

the decision

Footsteps on the marble floor

   the mountain crossing

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